Pair of Contemporary Upholstered Accent Chairs

Beautiful Upholstered Accent Chairs in Tan Fabric from the 1990’s. Soft and comfortable!

Pair of Contemporary Upholstered Accent Chairs


Contemporary Accent Chairs with modern look. Tan colored fabric seat, seat setback, and arms over wood frame. Exposed wooden legs, slightly curved. Fabric is tacked with exposed upholstery tacks. Seats and seat back is nicely cushioned and very comfortable. Neutral colored woven fabric will fit into any color scheme! Perfect accent chairs for any room – living room, bedroom, enclosed porch, you name it!
Sold as a Set for $136 pair (sale price).
Purchased Separately for $95 ea (sale price).

Additional information

Weight 30 lbs
Dimensions 23 × 23 × 35 in