Comfortable Decor? Try Farmhouse!
…NO we are not talking about the kitschy stuff you find at the big box stores (you know – Target, Walmart, Home Goods etc.)
Take a subtle and natural route to a comfortable decor that you can relax and unwind with when you come home from your hectic day! Shop Local. Shop Vintage! You’ll want to get a few authentic vintage pieces from cool favorite antique shop.
If you are looking for a new piece of furniture (like a coffee table or dresser or some end tables) then you might start there and build your decor around those pieces. Consider antique or updated vintage pieces that have been painted and distressed or antiqued. This will help anchor the tone of your room.

For your decor, think earthy colors, warm woolen and natural fiber fabrics, wooden pieces, pottery and earthenware ceramics and a couple antique finds that may have really come from a farmhouse like an old rustic washboard, some vintage mason jars or antique medicine bottles!
But try to be subtle with them – use a few well placed pieces. Use color and tones to allow the pieces to fit in and relate. Limit your material pallet too! Limiting the pieces and allowing them to blend into your modern surroundings will allow your farmhouse decor to feel more natural and not too, well kitschy!
A word about words… You know those tacky little mass produced signs that you can find all over the place – in a word — NO! Now don’t get me wrong, a cool rustic sign that is a real vintage or handcrafted find can be a wonderful addition, but wait for it. Let it come to you. Don’t force it by going to Home Goods and grabbing that mass produced sign that anyone can get off the shelf. Save it for something special that really speaks to you!
Oh, once again, Just Say No! to those Big Box manufactured “farmhouse looks”!