Art Deco Style

by Feb 17, 2022Art Deco Style

Still Popular 90 Years Later!

Popularized in the 1920 and 30’s.  Art Deco has its roots in France during the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts.  This was a decorative form of modernism borrowing from other styles including constructivism, cubism, futurism, Egyptian and Aztec art. A style of luxury and opulence. Repeating geometric shapes such as chevrons, zig-zags and trapezoids.  It became popular for architecture in the United States in the 20’s, but Art Deco forms were used in the design of everything from household items to cars. Most of the common Art Deco furniture was in production from the late 1920s to the 1940’s.

Colors and Materials:

Art Deco Color Schemes: Think of contrast – Black/White, Silver/Gold. The style is one of opulence so deep burgundies, blues, yellows and reds on background cream colored backgrounds.

In terms of materials – think glamorous. lacquer, exotic woods, shiny metals and animal prints. 

Current Art Deco Style Finds with Period Accessories